Music Tour to Italy

    Superb accommodation, wonderful musical experiences, great dining and wining delights and lots of fun with like minded guests in these charming lesser-known parts of Italy!”



Arriving at the small Bologna Airport….the level of inefficiency and disorganisation we encountered put a smile on everyone’s face as we all felt instantly that our holiday had begun. We were in Italy! After several (failed) attempts by the airport staff to eject our luggage onto the correct conveyor we were finally able to locate our bags dotted here and there….and then we were on our way to the top of Mt Titano and the beautiful, historic and tiny independent Republic of San Marino.

We spent a couple of nights here, enjoying the views, our guided walk and some wonderful meals. It was then back down from our eerie and on to Perugia, famous for Chocolates and many other things. Another brilliant guided walk enlightened us all about the town’s fascinating history and again we dined very well. Our hotel was lovely too with stunning views and a wonderfully elegant breakfast room. From Perugia we headed to Tuscany, spending a few nights sleeping in a former convent in the ‘perfect’ town Pienza. What a delightful little gem it is. From here we visited a secluded monastery and heard the monks’ ancient chanting, we visited the estate of famous author turned wine-maker, Ferenc Mate and his wife Candice and enjoyed some of their wonderful Brunello along with tasty local produce.  We strolled around some delightful little towns and drank in those glorious Tuscan hills and dined on the fabulous goodies they produce..including goats cheese.Moving North, we stayed in Chianti at a very atmospheric hotel which boasted many little areas to sit and enjoy. Whilst hear we enjoyed a typical Italian long lunch at a nearby tiny borgo…Some 8 courses, with wine…somehow disappeared from the plates before us!In nearby Florence we attended an opera in the annual Maggio Musical and enjoyed a tasty lunch beforehand plus a little time to walk about this lovely town. 

The Italian Riviera

It was then off to the coast, to Liguria, where out hotel, high on a hilltop, boasted stunning views of the two perfect bays below. From here we visited Santa Margherita and Porto Fino and some even walked part of the famous Cinque Terre track between those five little town. One sensible couple took a boat trip instead and saw it all from the sea.
Leaving the coast we headed to Reggio Emilia to explore a delightful small town and to indulge in wonderful local produce….Prosciutto, Parmesan, Balsamic, Tortelloni and so much more. We visited Pavarotti’s marvellous home too…always a lovely experience.From here we went to the small medieval town of Montagnana where there was a food festival on!!! Not only that, but the daughter of the couple who owned our hotel, is a renowned chef…so again…we were treated to a wonderful dinner. We enjoyed a guided walk around this incredible little town, one of the most intact medieval towns in Europe.

Then came time for wonderful Venice! Enroute we stopped in Vicenza to see Palladio’s famous small theatre and his incredible tromp l’oeil stage set of a street scape. Arriving in Venice by water taxi was a thrill…then walking into the grand foyer of our stunning hotel was an even bigger one! We all loved our stay there and breakfast taken from the terrace right on the Grand Canal. ‘incredible!

Whilst in Venice we attended TWO operas at La Fenice, Turandot (where the lead soprano was stunning) and Aida, which was one of the best productions we’ve seen. ‘wonderful!We also heard the renowned Interpreti Veneziani in a concert of Vivaldi (of course!). We’d organised optional tours so clients went off in all directions with our two excellent guides…some to Burano to see the glass blowing, others to the Jewish Ghetto or the Dorsodura area and we all toured St Marks and the Doge’s Palace of course.

This tour was a stunner and one of our very favourites. Due to popular demand we will repeat it in 2021 so do reserve your spot now if you think you’d like to come! CLICK HERE for more information



The gorgeous countryside of Val d’orcia, Southern Tuscany.